Male Classification
G´Ragnar Alba del Lupo ----------------------- 212.5 points
Queni Lobo de La Farola ----------------------- 12 0 points
Durban de Lobos de Albadul ------------------ 80 points
Wolf of Loyre of Aralla ------------------------ 25 points
Waelico of Loyre de Aralla -------------------- 20 points
Apollo -------------------------------------------- 20 points
Moon Dancer Dreamcatcher -------------------------- 20 points
Female Classification
Queen of Hearts Lupo jump --------------- 320 points
Hippie Babe from Campos y Lobos ------------- 110 points
Nana Ezequielupo ---------------------------- 105 points
La Gretosa Mine ---------------------------- 100 points
Calm of the Wolf Walls -------------- 80 points
Celeste from La Manada de Castro -------------- 65 points
Oyuki from La Gretosa ---------------------------- 20 points
La Gretosa Area ----------------------------- 20 points
Queiza of La Gretosa -------------------------- 20 points
A'Leyre of Descendants of the Moon ------- 0 points *
Young Males Classification
Wallrock z Krotkovského dvora ------------- 20 points
Butterfly Circus Floki ------------------------- 20 points
Tyron Lobo de La Farola --------------------- 0 puntos *
Young Female Classification
no participation
Classification Great Champion Males
Amadeus ---------------------------- 320 points !
Male Veteran Classification
no participation
Veteran Classification Females
Enya of the Kingdom of León ------------ 70 points
* I do not participate in the monographic or in the compulsory point of the RSCE.
! He is not Champion of Spain and Champion of the Club to be able to be the Grand Championship of the Club