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Statutes Club Ibérico de la Raza Perro Lobo Checoslovaco (CIRPLC)



General disposition


Article 1: Denomination

With the name CLUB IBÉRICO DE LA RAZA PERRO LOBO CHECOSLOVACO and as an abbreviation CIRPLC, an association is constituted under Organic Law 1/2002, of March 22, regulating the Right of Association, and complementary norms, with legal personality and full capacity to act, lacking profit motive.


In all that is not foreseen in these Statutes, the aforementioned Organic Law 1/2002, of March 22, and the complementary provisions of development will apply.

(The denomination must respect the requirements and limits provided for in article 8 of LO 1/2002 and in articles 22 and 23 of the Regulations of the National Registry of Associations, approved by RD 949/2015, of October 23)


Article 2: Duration


This association is established indefinitely.


Article 3: Registered office


Calle Empedrado Nº 66-1º Pontedeume A Coruña CP: 15600, the scope of action being the entire national territory.


Article 4: Associative End


The purpose of the Association is to assume the management in Spain of the breeding of the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog, taking care of the constant improvement of the breed both in utility and in morphology, its diffusion and the organization of all kinds of competitive events or not for the development of the breed and its dissemination to society in general and the help and guidance necessary for the constitution of new hatcheries dedicated to it.


It will also assume the representation and defense of all club members.


Article 5: Means


For the fulfillment of these purposes, the following activities will be carried out using all the means that its Board of Directors deems necessary, within the regulations of the Royal Canine Society of Spain and with the limit set by the annual budget of expenses.

In particular, the Club intends, by way of indication and not limitation, to use the following means:


1 ° The publication of the Official Breed Standard, approved by the FCI

2 ° Publish technical articles, documentation, advice, etc., in the form of articles that will appear in the Club Newsletter, dog magazines or specially edited brochures; Also, the direct response to any particular questions that may be submitted by the partners.


3 ° Organize selection tests of beauty, character and utility, either alone or in collaboration with other special Clubs affiliated to the Royal Canine Society of Spain or other similar organizations from other countries recognized by the FCI and keep a record of the recommended subjects by the Club and the Elite Players, selected through regulations, whose program will be established by the Breeding Commission.


4 ° The training of competent judges, to be empowered by the Royal Canine Society of Spain, in accordance with the Judges Regulations.


5 ° Organize special exhibitions of the Breed, in a particular way or within the framework of national or international dog shows held in Spain, always under the tutelage of the Royal Canine Society of Spain.


6 ° Create special prizes, breeding prizes and honor prizes that reward the best subjects presented by the Partners in the various events organized under the regulations of the Royal Canine Society of Spain and the Regional Societies affiliated to it, as well as in the Club Specials.


7 ° Advise fans in everything related to registration, imports, attendance at exhibitions in Spain and abroad, etc., as well as maintaining working relationships with race clubs from other countries, especially with the countries of origin of the breed (Czech Rep. and Slovakia).


8th Judging the authenticity of the birth registrations presented by the Members, by controlling the origins of the parents, the crossings and the subsequent litters, both in the interest of the purity of the breed, and as a guarantee regarding the future owners of the puppies, also leading the management and control of the litters of the breeders of the club.


9 ° The recognition of the LOE as the Official Book of Origins in Spain and of the official Books recognized by the FCI


10º The entity abides by the Statutes and Regulations of the RSCE and that only dogs of the breed or breeds that are the object of its activity that are registered in the Spanish Book of Origin (LOE) or in the Register of Dog Breeds (RRC) will participate in its activities. of the Royal Canine Society of Spain or in books of origin from associations recognized by the FCI, if its exhibitors were foreign owners, having to accompany the registration photocopy, on both sides, of the original pedigree.


11 ° The designation of Regional Delegates, called to represent the Club in a given place and, eventually, the creation of Regional Sections, where the number of Members requires it.


12 ° Publish, according to the Club's budgetary possibilities, a periodic Bulletin, dealing with all issues that allow a better knowledge and appreciation of the breed, while serving as a link between all fans, owners and breeders.


13º To work in collaboration with public or private institutions that include among their activities working with utility dogs to achieve their objectives and goals. Including the signing of agreements, the purpose of which is to use the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog as a utility dog, in its broadest sense, such as: search and rescue dog activities, assistance dog for the disabled, etc. and in general, all those conducive to the development of the breed as a utility dog ​​for society.



Article 6. Nature and composition.


The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of the Association and will be made up of all members. With the rights and obligations established by our Internal Regime Regulations (RRI from now on).


Article 7. Meetings.


The meetings of the General Assembly will be ordinary and extraordinary. The ordinary will be held once a year within 2 months after the end of the year; the extraordinary ones will be held when the circumstances advise it, in the judgment of the President, when the Board of Directors agrees or when a tenth of the associates proposes it in writing. The meetings of the General Assembly may be in person or electronically, always ensuring the maximum participation of the members.


Article 8. Calls.


The summons of the General Assemblies will be made in writing expressing the place, day and time of the meeting as well as the order of the day with specific expression of the matters to be discussed. At least fifteen days must elapse between the summons and the day indicated for the holding of the Assembly on the first summons, and the date and time when the Assembly will meet on the second summons may also be stated, without between one and another may mediate less than an hour. If the assembly is by electronic means, a period of ten days will be given to ensure maximum participation of the members.


Article 9. Adoption of agreements.


The General Assemblies, both ordinary and extraordinary, will be validly constituted on first call when a third of those associated with the right to vote attend it, and on second call whatever the number of members with the right to vote.


The agreements will be taken by simple majority of the people present or represented when the affirmative votes exceed the negative ones, the null, blank, or abstentions not being computable for these purposes.


A qualified majority of the people present or represented will be necessary, which will result when the affirmative votes exceed half of these, for:


a) Dissolution of the entity.

b) Modification of Statutes, including change of registered office.

c) Disposition or alienation of assets belonging to the fixed assets.


Article 10. Powers.


The powers of the General Assembly are:


a) Approve the management of the Board of Directors.

b) Examine and approve the annual accounts.

c) Elect the members of the Board of Directors.

d) Set ordinary or extraordinary fees.

e) Approve the dissolution of the Association.

f) Modify the Statutes, including the change of registered office.

g) Dispose or dispose of the assets.



Article 11. Composition.


The Association will be managed and represented by a Board of Directors necessarily formed by a President, a Secretary, the Treasurer.


The Vice President and the Members that are determined may also be part of the Board of Directors.


(Only associates residing in Spain may form part of the Board of Directors, provided they are of legal age, are in full use of civil rights and are not involved in incompatibility reasons established in current legislation. Same requirements, except the condition of partner, must gather the natural persons acting on behalf of the positions that are legal persons)


All the positions that make up the Board of Directors will be free. These will be designated and revoked by the General Assembly and their mandate will have a duration of 4 years. They may stand for re-election as many times as they deem appropriate. In order to be able to appear at the Board of Directors it will be necessary to be 5 years as a partner (Uninterrupted).

Article 12. President.


The President will have the following powers: legally represent the Association before all kinds of public or private organizations; convene, preside over and adjourn the sessions held by the General Assembly and the Board of Directors, as well as direct the deliberations of one and the other; order payments and authorize with your signature documents, minutes and correspondence; adopt any urgent measure that the good running of the Association advises or in the development of its activities is necessary or convenient, without prejudice to later reporting to the Board of Directors.


Article 13. Vice President / a.


The Vice President will replace the President in his absence, motivated by illness or any other cause, and will have the same powers.

Article 14. Secretary.


The Secretary will be in charge of the purely administrative work of the Association, will issue certifications, keep the legally established books of the Association and the file of associates, and will guard the documentation of the entity, making the communications on appointment of Boards of Directors and other social agreements that can be registered with the corresponding Registries, as well as the fulfillment of documentary obligations in the terms that legally correspond.


Article 15. Treasurer.


The Treasurer will collect and guard the funds belonging to the Association and will comply with the payment orders issued by the President.


Article 16. Members.


The Members will have their own duties as members of the Board of Directors, as well as those arising from the delegations or work commissions that the Board itself entrusts.


Article 17. Regime of casualties and substitutions.


Members may withdraw due to voluntary resignation communicated in writing to the Board of Directors and for breach of the obligations entrusted to them. Vacancies that arise for these reasons will be provisionally filled by the other members until the final election by the General Assembly convened for this purpose.


They may also cause termination due to expiration of the mandate. In this case, they will continue to hold their positions until the acceptance of those who replace them occurs.




Article 18. Requirements.


Those persons with the capacity to act who have an interest in the development of the aims of the Association may belong to the Association.


Article 19. Classes.


Within the Association there will be the following classes of partners:


a) Promoters or founders, who will be those who participate in the act of constitution of the Association.

b) Number, which will be those that enter after the constitution of the Association.

c) Of honor, those who, due to their prestige or for having contributed in a relevant way to the dignity and development of the Association or to the good development of the breed, are awarded this distinction. The appointment of the honorary members will correspond to the board of directors.

Article 20. Withdrawal.


Members will cause withdrawal for any of the following reasons:


a) By voluntary resignation, communicated in writing to the Board of Directors.

b) For breach of financial obligations, if it fails to meet the annual fee.


Article 21. Rights.


The founding and number partners will have the following rights:


a) Take part in all activities organized by the Association in fulfillment of its purposes.

b) Enjoy all the advantages and benefits that the Association may obtain.

c) Participate in the Assemblies with voice and vote.

d) Be voters and eligible for management positions.

e) Receive information on the agreements adopted by the Association's bodies.

f) Make suggestions to the members of the Board of Directors in order to better fulfill the purposes of the Association.


Article 22. Duties.


The founding and number partners will have the following obligations:


a) Comply with these Statutes and the valid agreements of the Assemblies and the Board of Directors.

b) Pay the fees that are set.

c) Carry out, where appropriate, the obligations inherent to the position they occupy.

Article 23. Rights and duties of honorary members.


Members of honor will have the same obligations as the founders and number except for those provided in sections b) of the previous article.

Likewise, they will have the same rights with the exception of those listed in sections c) and d) of article 23, being able to attend the assemblies without the right to vote.





Article 24. Economic resources.


The economic resources foreseen for the development of the aims and activities of the Association will be the following:


  1. Membership fees, periodic or extraordinary.

  2. Subsidies, legacies or inheritances that may be received legally by associates or third parties.

  3. Any other legal resource.


Article 25. Heritage.


The initial patrimony of the Association is 150 euros. (25 EUROS FOR EACH FOUNDING MEMBER)

Article 26. Duration of the exercise.


The associative and economic exercise will be annual and its closure will take place on January 1 of each year.



Article 27. Dissolution.


The Association will be dissolved voluntarily when so agreed by the Extraordinary General Assembly, convened for this purpose, in accordance with the provisions of article 9 of these Statutes.


Article 28. Liquidation and destination of the remainder.


In the event of dissolution, a liquidation commission will be appointed. Once the debts are extinguished, the liquid surplus, where appropriate, will be used for purposes that do not distort the non-profit nature of the Association.


In Pontedeume, on May 28, 2019


DILIGENCE: to record that these statutes include the modifications agreed at the general meeting dated 05/28/2019

Iberian Club of the Breed of the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog. 2019

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