Strongly built, larger than medium size, with a square frame. Similar to the wolf in its body structure, movement, fur, hair color and mask.
- Body length: cross height = 10: 9
- Muzzle length: skull length = 1: 1.5
With a lot of temperament, very active, resistant, disciplined, with quick reactions, reckless and brave. Distrusting. His master shows him extraordinary fidelity. Resistant to inclement weather, very versatile utility.
Symmetrical, well muscled, seen from the sides and from above, it forms a truncated wedge. Well established sexual characteristics.
Skull: Seen from the front and from the sides, a bulging forehead can be distinguished. There is no noticeable frontal groove. The occipital protuberance is clearly distinguishable.
Naso-frontal depression (Stop): Moderately marked.
Truffle: Oval, black color.
Muzzle: Dry, not wide. Straight nose.
Lips: Tight, adjacent to cheeks, closed corner; the edge of the lips is black.
Jaws / Teeth: Strong and symmetrical jaws. Well-developed teeth, especially the tusks. Bite of scissors or forceps with 42 dental pieces that constitute the normal dental formula. Teeth arranged evenly.
Cheeks: Dry and well muscled, not noticeably protruding.
Eyes: Small, sloping, amber in color. Well attached eyelids.
Ears: Erect, thin, triangular, short (not longer than 1/6 of the height at the withers); the most lateral point of the implantation of the ears and the external angle of the eyes form a line. An imaginary vertical line from the tip of the ears falls along the head.
Dry, well muscled, forming during the static angle of 40 degrees with the horizontal line. The neck should be so long that the nose reaches the ground easily.
Top line: With a smooth transition from neck to back; slightly drooping.
Cross: Well muscled, notorious, without affecting the flow of the upper line.
Back: Firm and straight.
Loins: Short, well muscled, not wide, slightly sagging.
Croup: Short, well muscled, not wide, slightly drooping.
Chest: Symmetrical, well muscled, broad, pear-shaped, with a narrowing towards the sternum. The depth of the chest does not reach the elbows. The tip of the sternum does not protrude from the shoulder joint.
Lower line and abdomen: Stiff abdomen, tucked up. Flanks slightly tucked.
High set, hanging straight. During arousal, as a rule, raise the tail in the form of a sickle.
Straight, firm, thin, close to each other, with the feet slightly twisted outwards.
Shoulders: The shoulder blade is positioned considerably forward, well covered with muscles. Make an angle of about 65 ° to the horizontal line.
Arm: With strong musculature, making an angle between 120 - 130 ° with the shoulder blade.
Elbows: Well adjacent to the trunk, not bent inward or outward, noticeable and well movable. The arm and forearm form an angle of approximately 150 °.
Forearm: Long, thin and straight. The length of the forearm with the carpus forms 55% of all the height at the withers.
Carpal joint: Strong and movable.
Metacarpus: Long, forming with the floor an angle of at least 75 °; elastic, oscillating slightly during movement.
Previous feet: Large, slightly twisted outward; with long, arched fingers; strong and dark nails. Dark, stretchy, well-developed pads.
Robust, parallel. An imaginary vertical line runs from the iliac protuberances through the middle of the hocks. Dewclaws are undesirable and must be removed
Thighs: Long, well muscled, forming an angle of approximately 80 ° with the pelvis. The hip joint is stable and freely movable.
Knees: Strong, well mobile.
Legs: Long, concise, well muscled, making an angle of approximately 130 ° with the tarsus.
Hock: Slim, strong, well movable.
Metatarsus: Long, thin, almost rectangular to the ground.
Hind feet: Long, arched toes with strong, dark toenails. Well developed pads.
Harmonic, light, with a wide jog in which the extremities hardly move away from the ground. The head and neck are tilted towards a horizontal line. Step with amble.
Elastic, tight, without folds; unpigmented.
Hair: Straight, adherent. Winter hair is very different from summer hair. In the winter the inner fleece is very dense; together with the outer layer, it covers the entire body with thick fur.
The hair needs to completely cover the abdomen, the inside of the thighs, the scrotum, the inside of the pinna and the area between the toes. The neck should also be well covered with hair.
Color: From yellowish gray to silver gray, with the characteristic light mask. Light hair also under the neck, and on the front of the chest. A dark gray color with a light mask is allowed.
Height at the withers:
Males: at least 65 cm, Females: at least 60 cm.
Males: at least 26 kg , Females: at least 20 kg.
Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered a fault and its severity is considered to the degree of deviation from the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog.
• Heavy or light head.
• Flat front.
• The absence of two PM1 (premolars 1) or both M3 (molars 3) should not be penalized. However, the absence of one M3 in addition to two PM1s or the absence of one PM1 in addition to the two M3s should be considered missing.
• Eyes of a different color, dark brown or black.
• Rough ears, high or low implantation.
• Neck in a high position when calm, or in a low position during static.
• Little conspicuous cross.
• Atypical dorsal line.
• Long rump.
• Long tail, low settling and incorrect posture.
• Fore limbs too little or too angled.
• Weak carpal joint.
• Posterior limb too little or too angled, insufficient musculature.
• Notorious mask.
• Movement with short or undulating steps.
• Aggressiveness or extreme shyness.
• Any dog showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities should be disqualified.
• Anomalous proportions.
• Lack of behavior and character.
• Atypical head.
• Lack of teeth, (except two PM1 and M3, see § serious defects). Non-uniform bite line.
• Atypical position and shape of the eyes.
• Implantation and atypical shape of the ears.
• Chin.
• Strong inclination of the rump.
• Atypical thorax.
• Implantation and atypical posture of the tail.
• Atypical forelimbs and lack of posture.
• Erect and atypical hair.
• In another color than that stipulated in the standard.
• Loose ligaments.
• Atypical movement.
• Males should have two normal-looking testes fully descended into the scrotum.
• Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with the typical conformation of the breed, should be used for breeding.

Rep z Pohranicní straze, dog on which the standard was built.

Colonel Karel Hartl's sketch