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In the year 1955, a biological experiment was carried out in the former Czechoslovakia, crossing the German Shepherd with the Carpathian Wolf . The results were that both the offspring of the crossing of perro  with she-wolf, as well as the crossing of female dog with European wolf, gave specimens that could be bred. For the continuation of the breed, most of the puppies possessed favorable genetic conditions. In 1965, at the end of the experiments, the breeding project for the new breed began, which was to mix the useful characteristics of the wolf with the favorable characteristics of the dog. In 1982, at the proposal of the breeder clubs of what was then called Czechoslovakia, the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog was recognized as a national breed. In 1989 it was provisionally recognized by the FCI, being definitive and official in 1999.

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GENERAL APPEARANCE : Strongly built , larger than medium in size, with a square frame. Wolf-like in body structure, movement, coat, hair color, and mask.


IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : - Body length: withers height = 10 : 9 - Muzzle length: skull length = 1 : 1,5 


BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT : With a great temperament, very active, resistant, disciplined, with quick reactions, reckless and brave. distrusting. His master shows him extraordinary fidelity. Resistant to inclement weather, very versatile utility. 

HEAD : Symmetrical, well muscled, seen from the sides and from above, it forms a truncated wedge. Well established sexual characteristics. 



Skull: Seen from the front and from the sides, a bulging forehead can be distinguished. It does not present a noticeable frontal furrow. The occipital protuberance is clearly distinguished. 

Naso-frontal depression (Stop): Moderately marked. 



Nose: Oval in shape, black. 

Muzzle: Dry, not wide. Straight nose bridge. 

Lips: Tight, adjacent to the cheeks, closed corners; the edge of the lips is black. 

Jaws / Teeth: Strong and symmetrical jaws. Well developed teeth, especially the fangs. Scissor or clamp bite with 42 teeth that constitute the normal dental formula. Evenly arranged teeth. 

Cheeks: Dry and well muscled, without noticeably protruding. 

Eyes: Small, slanting, amber in color. Eyelids well attached. 

Ears: Erect, thin, triangular, short (not longer than 1/6 of the height at the withers); the most lateral point of the implantation of the ears and the external angle of the eyes form a line. An imaginary vertical line from the tips of the ears runs down the length of the head.


NECK : Dry, well muscled, forming an angle of 40 degrees with the horizontal line during statics. The neck should be so long that the nose reaches the ground easily. 



Topline: With a smooth transition from neck to back; slightly dropped. 

Withers: Well muscled, noticeable, without affecting the flow of the upper line. 

Back: Firm and straight. 

Loins: Short, well muscled, not wide, slightly drooping. 

Croup: Short, well muscled, not wide, slightly sloping. 

Chest: Symmetrical, well muscled, broad, pear-shaped, tapering towards the sternum. The depth of the chest does not reach the elbows. The tip of the sternum does not protrude from the shoulder joint. 

Underline and abdomen: Abdomen rigid, collected. Slightly tucked flanks. 


TAIL : Set high, hanging straight. During excitement, as a rule, it raises its tail in the shape of a sickle. 




FOREQUARTERS: Straight, firm, thin, close to each other, with the feet slightly turned outwards. 

Shoulders: The shoulder blade is positioned considerably forward, well covered with muscles. It forms an angle of approximately 65° with the horizontal line. 

Arm: With strong muscles, forming an angle between 120 - 130° with the shoulder blade. 

Elbows : Well adjoining the trunk, neither turned in nor out, noticeable and well movable. The arm and forearm form an angle of approximately 150°.

Forearm: Long, thin and straight. The length of the forearm with the carpus forms 55% of the entire height at the withers. 

Carpal joint: Strong and mobile. 

Pastern: Long, forming an angle of at least 75° with the floor; elastic, oscillating slightly during movement. 

Forefeet: Large, slightly turned outwards; with long, arched fingers; strong and dark nails. Dark, elastic, well-developed pads. 


HINDQUARTERS: Robust, parallel. An imaginary vertical line runs from the iliac protuberances through the middle of the hocks. Dewclaws are undesirable and should be removed 

Upper thighs: Long, well muscled, forming an angle of approximately 80° with the pelvis. The hip joint is stable and freely movable. 

Knees: Strong, well movable. 

Legs: Long, concise, well muscled, forming an angle of approximately 130° with the tarsus. 

Hock: Thin, strong, well movable. 

Metatarsus: Long, thin, almost rectangular to the ground. 

Hind feet: Long, arched toes with strong, dark nails. Well developed pads. 


MOVEMENT: Harmonic, light, with a wide trot in which the extremities hardly move away from the ground. The head and neck lean towards a horizontal line. Step with amble. SKIN: Elastic, tight, without folds; not pigmented. COAT Hair: Straight, adherent. Winter hair is very different from summer hair. In winter the inner fleece is very dense; in conjunction with the outer layer, it covers the entire body with thick fur.


SKIN: Elastic, tight, without folds; not pigmented. 



Hair: Straight, adherent. Winter hair is very different from summer hair. In winter the inner fleece is very dense; in conjunction with the outer layer, it covers the entire body with thick fur.

The hair needs to fully cover the abdomen, inner thighs, scrotum, inner pinna, and the area between the toes. The neck should also be well covered with fur. 

Colour: From a yellowish gray to a silvery grey, with the characteristic pale mask. Light hair also under the neck, and on the front of the chest. A dark gray coloring with a light mask is allowed.



Height at withers: 

Males: at least 65 cm, Females: at least 60 cm. 

Weight: Males: at least 26 kg, Females: at least 20 kg. 



Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered a fault and its severity is considered to the extent of the deviation from the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog. 

• Heavy or light head. 

• Flat front. 

• The absence of two PM1 (premolars 1) or both M3 (molars 3) should not be penalized. However, the absence of an M3 in addition to two PM1s or the absence of a PM1 in addition to the two M3s should be considered as missing. 

• Different colored eyes, dark brown or black. 

• Coarse ears, set high or low. 

• High position collar when calm, or low position during static. 

• Inconspicuous cross. 

• Atypical dorsal line. 

• Long croup. 

• Long tail, low set and incorrect posture. 

• Forelimbs too little or too much angulation.

• Weak carpal joint. 

• Hindleg too little or too much angulation, insufficient musculature. 

• Inconspicuous mask. 

• Movement with short or undulating steps.



• Aggressiveness or extreme shyness.

• Any dog showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified. 

• Anomalous proportions. 

• Faults in behavior and character. 

• Atypical head. 

• Missing teeth, (except two PM1 and M3, see § serious faults). Non-uniform bite line. 

• Atypical position and shape of the eyes. 

• Implantation and atypical shape of the ears. 

• Double chin. 

• Strong slope of the croup. 

• Atypical chest. 

• Implantation and atypical posture of the tail. 

• Atypical forelimbs and faults in posture. 

• Erect and atypical hair. 

• In a different color than that stipulated in the standard. 

• Loose ligaments. 

• Atypical movement. 



• Males must have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum. 

• Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs with typical breed conformation should be used for breeding.

Ejemplo Estandar.jpg

Rep z Pohranicní straze, dog on which the standard was built.


Sketch of Colonel Karel Hartl


Socialization in this breed is essential and critical. Imprinting and socialization periods are shorter than in other breeds. Therefore, it must be started by the breeder and continued by the owner. He has to go out, get to know places, situations, textures, noises, and everything possible, with the aim of becoming a stable adult and accepting new environments. It is important to make the car positive, since it is common to observe dizziness and anxiety problems. 

This breed was created with the aim of being used in military work and that marks many characteristics of its behavior. They are dogs with a strong temperament, something that can be observed from puppies. It is common to hear new owners ask for help because their dogs do not allow themselves to be handled easily or because they defend toys or food by making noises and making a fuss. Luckily, these issues can be avoided and/or solved with work and dedication, obtaining positive results.

They are brave and tend to show a good degree of defense of the family group. In some cases, they can be somewhat suspicious of new situations or people, but thanks to their curiosity and work, it can disappear. They have a high activity, they require outings and exercise. It is highly recommended to do some sporting activity with them. They generate a very strong connection with the owner, which is why it is necessary to teach them to stay alone from the moment they arrive home, in order to prevent them from generating separation anxiety. 

His intelligence and his interest in manipulating his environment surprises. Practically all dogs of this breed are capable of opening doors, windows, levers, knobs, and even turning keys or opening drawers to inspect them. It is impossible to get bored with them. The negative part of this is that boredom, if they are alone, can lead them to look for entertainment such as wanting to leave the house to go for a walk or invent toys with the first thing they find, which normally does not coincide with the toys that the owners would provide them.  

When they mature, both males and females become dominant with their peers of the same sex, although females can be somewhat more permissive and calm. This is accentuated if it is with unknown dogs. 

In training, they are very versatile dogs. They can perform a wide range of activities, from canicros, obedience, olfactory, etc. Due to its qualities, it must be taken into account that the training must be fun, varied and of short sessions. If the same exercise is prolonged or repeated a lot, they tend to get bored, which is why obedience training is not usually their favorite. They tend to especially like activities in the open air and give free rein to their immense olfactory and physical capacity. Military training and attitudes must also be put aside, since they do not understand them and cannot respond to them. They are easily invaded. They are optimal for owners who like to enjoy the road and the challenges they propose.


The breed is affected by the following genetic diseases:


-Degenerative Myelopathy (DM)

-Pituitary dwarfism (DW)

-Hip dysplasia (HD)

-Elbow dysplasia (ED)

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