Elbow dysplasia consists of the incongruity between the three bones that make up the elbow joint, humerus, ulna and radius, producing shocks and friction that trigger joint changes causing pain and even lameness to the animal. The different degrees of elbow dysplasia are divided as follows:
0: No signs of osteoarthritis.
1: Mild osteoarthritis
2: moderate osteoarthritis
3: severe osteoarthritis
The combinations allowed for breeding are: 0 + 0, 0 + 1.
The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is a slow-growing animal, so the minimum age for testing is fifteen months, after almost all growth is complete. Likewise, it is recommended to take advantage of sedation to perform both hip and elbow radiographs. If the individual is going to be used in breeding these tests are mandatory and must be certified by entities such as AVEPA, AMVAC, SETOV or RSCE.
Next we are going to see how are the certificates of the official radiographic readers :